Here are some links to articles and websites that I’ve collected recently that you might like, too:

  • RSS: The forgotten protocol that still matters​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​. I think I have been using RSS since it was introduced in WordPress. It’s still a technology I rely on daily, and it will continue to be with the new and on the horizon. It’s pretty cool how RSS, a technology from the late 90s, still powers so much of the internet today, including your podcast feeds.
  • You can add slash pages to your website, usually with a standard, root-level slug like /now, /about, or /uses. has an excellent overview of common pages you can set up yourself.
  • It is a great way to find people with similar interests as myself, but don’t post content on large social media platforms. For example: Runners or Photography enthusiasts.
  • Chat Control Must Be Stopped. More background information on the ‘Chat Control bill’ that is supposed to be passed in the EU Council and why this bill isn’t a good idea is needed.
  • HDMI Display Emulator. I ordered this little USB-C device earlier this week after seeing a colleague use a similar device. This is ideal for people like us who often need to do presentations from their laptop without an external monitor nearby. With this device you emulate a second monitor in the OS giving you the opportunity to share the virtual second screen in Teams, Zoom or Webex while seeing the speakers notes yourself. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this.