Nine Lies About Work

I finished reading Nine Lies About Work by Marcus Buckingham last weekend. This book was a reading advice from my HRBP.

Nine Lies About Work questions the principles of management / leadership today as most of these practices are decades old and not fit for purpose anymore. Employees know this, managers know this and yet collectively companies often donโ€™t do a lot about it.

Continue reading “Nine Lies About Work”

Mindfulness run

Tuesday morning 07:00, time for another run! I tried something new today on the track. I did a 30-ish minute guided ‘mindfulness run’ at an average recovery pace of 6.57 per kilometer. Overall time 32:49 minutes. Such a great way to start the day.

My next opportunity to run is this Saturday as I’m traveling to the UK tonight for a three day event in London. My calendar is packed back-to-back until my return home Friday evening. I’m not going to put extra pressure on myself with having to add another run to it in before daylight. I will have to compensate for that this Saturday (Speed run) and Sunday (Long run).

Runlog – 20240128 – Sunday longrun

It’s Sunday again, and that means time for a Sunday longrun. I did 80 minute run averaging a pace of 6:17 per kilometer. Everything felt fine, and I could have gone on for probably another 15-20 minutes with ease. Not bad after a week of travels and long working days.

I have travel planned to the UK for next week which means that I need to change my workout schedule a bit. Let’s see how that works out next Sunday, as I usually experience how good or bad my training was during the week on these longer runs.

20 minute Fartlek

I ran a pretty amazing and challenging 20 minute ‘Fartlek’ this morning. This was definitely a tough one but the beauty resides in repeating this fartlek over time. As it’s time based you can measure your own improvement based on the total distance you do within the 20 minutes. I did a total of 4,65 km today.

๐Ÿ”ฅ 6:00 Warm up
๐Ÿ‘Ÿ :90 sec at 5k pace, :90 sec recovery
๐Ÿ” Repeat 2 times
๐Ÿ‘Ÿ :60 sec at 5k pace, :60 sec recovery
๐Ÿ” Repeat 4 times
๐Ÿ‘Ÿ :30 sec at 5k pace, :30 sec recovery
๐Ÿ” Repeat 4 times
๐Ÿ‘Ÿ :15 sec at 5k pace, :15 sec recovery
๐Ÿ” Repeat 4 times
โ„๏ธ 3:00 Cool down

Barcelona – Amsterdam

๐Ÿ›ซ Barcelona โ€“ Amsterdam ๐Ÿ›ฌ

My first week in Barcelona is coming to an end. It was a good week, with long working days in which I’ve met a lot of new colleagues and started to understand my new job, in a new company, a lot better. Especially Wednesday and Thursday were very long working days with full day meetings in both CET and EST timezones. I’m glad I could do one or two exercises in the hotel to compensate for the time spend behind my desk.

I’ve been in Barcelona since last Monday and I will be here a lot more in the future. I haven’t seen anything from city other than my walk from the hotel to the office and back. I’ll carve out more time for myself next time. A nice run along the beach or a visit to one of the musea here are on my list of things I want to do.

How I use iOS focus modes

I’m a fan of iOS focus modes and I use them every day for different activities that occur during my days.

Recently some people around me noticed this setup on my phone and started asking questions about it. Instead of explaining it offline only I thought it would be better to write a post about it too so that this can be shared with others.

I’m curious to understand if you use focus modes too, and if so what you do differently from me.

Continue reading “How I use iOS focus modes”

Runlog – 20240123

I did my first treadmill run this morning as it was still far too dark outside here in Barcelona at 06:30 this morning.

The Nike Run Club app has some pretty nice guided runs for on the treadmill, as such my 30 minute run this morning wasnโ€™t boring at all. I did a warm up, some hill intervals and several different paces as a โ€˜fartlekโ€™ training. All in all a good 30 minute experience to start the day with.