
As you’ve seen on some of my previous Running Log posts, I was at the island of Terschelling last weekend. We had a lovely time as family and I was able to bring along my camera gear to practice some photography skills.

Terschelling offers the perfect balance between nature and good hospitality. As a result we were really able to disconnect and gain some good energy for the stretch until the summer holiday.

Another 6k

I finished another 6k run on the island of Terschelling. I was able to squeeze this one in just between our afternoon beach walk and evening diner.

We are having good fun here as family. The island is beautiful and the whole family is enjoying our time together and time by ourselves. A perfect short holiday to recuperate from a busy first 4 months of the year.

Runlog – 20240428 – 14km trail run

I finished my 1st ever trail run today on the island of Terschelling, which is located in the north of the Netherlands. We are here for a 5 day family trip and I must say that the nature on the island is astonishing. We are for sure going to enjoy ourselves here.

I got the tip to try trail running from Thijs who does this kind of running quite often. It’s good fun and I guess I will be trying this again sometime soon and closer to home. I do need to get myself some additional shoes for this.